You Must Go Within to Have the Wealth You Seek.


It’s a fresh new week. On your marks, get set, hit the reset button! All of the worries and concerns of last week, simply let go. Take a deep breath. This week, make your intentions clear and then command the week to bring to you nothing short of all things positive that you want it to bring. Then, believe and …

Get rid of guilt


There is a place for guilt, you know the healthy type that leads you to do the right thing when you know you are wrong. But there is no place for the type of guilt that is self-deprecating and causes you to continually self-sabotage. The latter type ultimately breeds self-hate. Today, take the small but bold step to begin ridding …

Fear Not


All you need do is look at the world and it is ridden with messages of fear. Whether on television, radio, social media, among family and friends, everyone is on the edge. Everyone is afraid. People are afraid of the unknown, of not meeting people’s expectation, of losing status, of rejection, of abandonment, of humiliation and shame, of being attacked, …