Choose Yourself First


Why do we as humans continuously choose ourselves last, and then get very resentful about it? We do it at work, in marriages, in relationships, careers, businesses etc. If we don’t get very resentful about it, it is a different thing. But when you get deeply resentful, it is a sign that you are not honoring and taking care of …

Never Give Up


Have you ever been hit by one of those life’s curveballs you fell so hard face-up that all you could see was the sky twirling and twirling at you? Have you ever, while on the ground, willed yourself to get up but nothing moves. You try again but still, nothing moves? So, you come to the conclusion that it is …

Learn to Set Your Personal Boundary Lines


There are many causes of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety. One such cause I have found is the inability to respect the boundary lines of others and set healthy boundary lines of our own. Whether it is family, friends, romantic, acquaintance, or business relationships, etc. you MUST learn to set healthy boundary lines and learn to respect the boundary …