I was on Facebook yesterday when I saw an image in my newsfeed that just grabbed me. The image was so powerful it had me thinking, a lot, about what we humans are capable of if we will only believe in the power of “I am”. The image was that of Brazil’s three-time Paralympic sprinting champion Terezinha Guilhermina. She had …
Bet on Yourself | #MsUduakDaily
Over the weekend, I was thinking about how too often, many of us are willing to bet on other people’s dreams, projects or successes but our own. We believe that everyone else is worth betting on but ourselves. We believe everyone, but us, can build the most successful fortune 500 companies, record companies, design firms etc. Everyone, but us. We …

#MsUduakDaily 008: My Year in Review, Plus Keep Pushing Forward!
Listen to my podcast episode where I share my year in review and also encourage you to keep pushing forward. See you in 2016! With love, ~Ms.Uduak