#MSUDUAKDAILY: The Power of Self-Discipline


I have found that most of us say we want that great job, career, relationship, and what have you but majority of us are highly unwilling,  in action and thought, to do what it takes to get it. Even if we are shown the way, we simply don’t have the willingness to commit. When things get hard, we quit. We also act on our impulses and we fail, every time, to get ourselves closer to what it is we say that we want.

Why is that? What separates you from that successful man or woman you admire? What separates you from that ideal career or relationship that you want?

I have found that one key factor is discipline, self-discipline.

In my own life, I have discovered and realize that the best times of my life, so far, (my personal and career highs) all involved a high level and consistent dose of self-discipline. Where I have failed miserably, a big part of it has been my lack of self-discipline.

There is power in self-disicipline and if we will understand, marinate on it and apply it in all aspects of our lives, the results will be outstanding.

Imagine the results if you exercised the discipline of positive thought and affirmations, discipline of action to put in the work for the kind of career you want, to lose weight, to watch what you eat, the discipline to let go of toxic and unfulfilling  relationships you know you have no business being in or returning to? Take a second and imagine that. How would that make you feel? It feels great right? Stronger self esteem, you move lighter and are happier, you feel good health wise and much more. There is power in self-discipline. There is freedom to operate on your terms when you exercise self-discipline over all aspects of your life.

You know what’s also interesting? Great leaders and/or successful men and women all have self-discipline as a common ingredient.

As we prepare to close out this week, if you have found yourself hanging out in the midst of lack of self-control and the corresponding unhappiness that comes with it, it is time to do a strong pivot and get back to self-discipline. You don’t owe anyone any apologies, just make a strong pivot and get back on track. Begin to look at self-discipline from a standpoint of an exercise of self-love and self-respect. With continued investment in your self-love and self-respect, there is no option than to be self-disciplined, and to eliminate things and people in your life that you already know shouldn’t be there in the first place.

Have a great day and catch you next time.

With love,

~Ms. Uduak
